I have two Pieris Valley Valentine shrubs. They were planted last year and are only a few feet apart so their growing conditions are identical. One is doing beautifully but there is something odd about the other one. The leaves on one of them began to turn a very pale green last summer. Some leaves even turned yellow and fell off especially near the bottom. Yet the plant did survive the winter and flowered profusely this spring. I have removed the spent flowers from both plants. The "good" plant has plenty of new and colorful leaves. The pale plant (it is still pale despite giving it some rhodo fertilizer) is not getting any new leaves. Does anyone have any ideas about what is going on? I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Is it possible that the ill plant is getting more water, or staying more water logged than the other?
Probably root rot. Like other heath family shrubs, pieris are prone to water molds like Phytophthora. Or maybe the original soil ball is dry on the inside.
Don't think so. We have an irrigation system and it gives both plants the same amount of water as far as we can tell.
Wash the roots and pick them all out. Some may be up under the crown, where they are not conspicuous. But probably it's root rot anyway.
If the problem with my Pieris is root rot, are there any special procedures I should follow or precautions I should take when taking the plant out?
Not much you can do except put it in the trash. If wishing to replant in same spot, maybe dig and replace soil there. If plant came from nursery infested and other specimen nearby is going fine, then drainage etc. may be adequate. Problem would be infested specimen causing planting site to become infested while it was present. Hot and wet conditions at retail outlets great for root rot. Nozzles left on ground can pick up water molds in puddles and spray them onto plants. Pots left sitting in puddles can become infested through drain holes. Root systems damaged by being left to dry out may be susceptible to infestation after water is reapplied.
Not sure I can post owing to the close-down of parts of the Forum, but here are two photos of my young Pieris 'Valley Valentine'... no new colourful leaves -- new leaves came out last year, but no blooms. This early spring these wonderful blooms, no brand new leaves as yet...