Pictures of my plants

Discussion in 'Caudiciforms and Pachycaul Trees' started by succulentlover, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. succulentlover

    succulentlover Member

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    Elkins Park, PA Zone 6a
    Finally, I got pictures of most of my plants online. Tho it's a mix of succulents, there are various kinds of Caudiciforms and Pachycauls, my newest being Euphorbia fanshawei.

    It's only been about three years now that I've really gotten addicted to succulents. I had gotten some basic plants about 5-6 years ago, some Haworthias and Crassulas. After leaning so much over the last few years, I'm somewhat surprised that those plants actually lived, because I barely gave them the light and care they needed. But this year, for the first time ever, they are flowering ^^ I still have to take a few more pictures, hopefully some of them will still be flowering.

  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    hi, neighbor!!! you've got a tremendous collection!!!! thanks for sharing it!!

    and thanks, too, for helping me identify two plants that i have: crassula mesembryanthemoides and haworthia reinwardtii zebrina.

    where did you get your plants?? if you got them locally, please tell me where!!

    i particularly liked these: petopentia natalensis, euphorbia venenifica cylindropuntia sp., kalanchoe thyrsiflora, euphorbia clava var. spiralis, euphorbia milli, euphorbia suzannae, euphorbia lactea v. variegata, stapelia flavopurpurea, austrocylindropuntia subulata f. monstruosa, euphorbia stellata, aloe zanzibarica, crassula marginalis rubra variegata, euphorbia enopla, aloe lineata, aloinopsis rubrolineata and euphorbia fanshawei

    any possibility of doing some trades??
  3. succulentlover

    succulentlover Member

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    Elkins Park, PA Zone 6a
    Howdy neighbor indeed ^^
    Thanks much for the compliments :)
    I've gotten my plants from various places, of the one's you liked the most:
    The E. stellata is from Guy Wrinkles Rare Exotics
    The Petopentia, Aloinopsis and both Aloe's are from Arid Lands

    Be very careful at the above sites. Guy Wrinkle has more of a show quality and rarer succulents. Arid lands has one of the largest selections and excellent prices. I have probably gotten close to two dozen plants from them, with only one of them not making it. I try not to go to them anymore because I have started running out of room from visiting them to often :)

    A decent amount of the rest of them, including the E. venenifica, suzannae, fanshawei and many others are from a place that's 5 minutes from me. It's called Meadowbrook Farms

    The manager of the nursery is the cacti and succulent care taker. His name is John and he keeps a huge selection of succulents. The majority of them he grows himself from cuttings and what not.

    I've never traded before so don't know what people normally do. I would assume we would trade cuttings? If that's the case then I would be interested. I wouldn't want to get rid of anything that I can't get clippings from. I'm still quite new to this hobby :)

    BTW, do you go to the Philadelphia Cactus and Succulent Society meetings? John at Meadowbrook keeps telling me that I need to go. I'm hoping to go this year when they start again.

  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    hi, ross! thanks for the links.

    wow! guy's site is fantastic! i'd already been referred to arid lands. and meadowbrook - i'm definitely going to head over there!!

    as for the phila cactus & succulent society, i didn't even know there was one! when do they usually have meetings and where?

    trades are easy enough - can be seeds/bulbs, cuttings (rooted or not, depending on the plant) or pups/offshoots; done through the mail or getting together to make the exchange. i've got a variety of plants - succulent and non-succulent as well as outdoor things. i'll send you a pm with a listing and we can go from there.

    here's a couple of sites i've been referred to and have been told are reliable (altho i haven't purchased anything from them yet, i'm sure the info is correct): paul shirley and

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