Philodendron recurifolium, does anyone grow this species?

Discussion in 'Araceae' started by photopro, May 10, 2009.

  1. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Does anyone on the UBC forum grow Philodendron recurifolium Schott? I have a juvenile plant but would love to see photos of a mature specimen. The plant is endemic to (exclusively found) in the Bahia region of Brazil as well as Espirito Santo state. . The leaf blades grow to approximately 20cm (8 inches) in length and have elongated cordate (heart shaped) leaves. The lateral leaf veins are relatively inconspicous on the upper blade surface and the margins of the leaves are purple. The internodes of the stem are unusually long.

    I've asked a couple of botanists in Brazil for information but they tell me the plant is not well studied. If you grow it I'd appreciate your posting some photos.

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