Hello - I have two cuttings of this Philodendron which I acquired from a very large specimen at a greenhouse. I am usually able to identify flora, but this one has stumped me (as well as the curator of the greenhouse). Please help me identify this specimen. Thank you! - Zach
First guess it would be a multi-hybrid, in the same same sense that 'Prince of Orange' is 4-species mix of Philodendron domesticum, P. erubescens, P. wendlandii and P. imbe (but not that specific cross). Second guess, Philodendron erubescens. Third guess, Philodendron imbe. Better/bigger/more pictures would help. :)
Thank you Tom, your advice is greatly appreciated. I will research the specimens that you provided in greater detail as I compare them to the greenhouse specimen. In addition to this, I will take better photos so that you may be able to better identify the specimen. Thank you once again. - Zach
I also was considering P. 'Anderson's Red' as a possibility. However, I will wait until I have posted more detailed photos.
Hello Tom, I have provided some photos of greater clarity for your inspection. I hope that these are more identifiable. The majority of this plant in the greenhouse is out of reach and climbing visually near the ceiling. I look forward to hearing back from you. Cheers, Zach
I think you mean Philodendron erubescens, right? With these new, better pictures I would have to agree that's most likely. These show both the red new shoots and the coppery color to the undersides of the leaves, both common in erubescens.