Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this! I have owned a purple phalaenopsis for about 12 months. It was given to me while in bloom and over the past year, it has been watered every 10-14 days with 1/2 strength orchid fertilizer (except over the past 2-3 months using just tap water). I have been uncertain of where to put it in my home because the only window with decent sun exposure is near a heater (which was in use over the winter months). This is a summary of its "history": see photo with labels - Fall 2005: finished blooming, main stalk was cut and sealed with wax, left by window w/o direct sun - early Winter 2005/6: second growth began, 2 stalks emerged with new leaf, new flower buds formed - mid Winter 2005/6: had to turn heater on, flower buds began to dry up, leaf became slightly scorched at tip so moved away to cool area, no further growth and buds fell off so cut secondary stalks and sealed with wax - late Winter 2005/6: moved back to near heater (but w/o direct sun) - early Spring 2006: growth of keikis (leaves only) began - mid Spring 2006: 2 leaves at keikis, something ?stalk vs root emerging from keikis, heater is now turned off - currently, new leaves emerging from keikis and basal leaves, plus ?new roots at base So...my main questions are: 1. Is the keikis growing a stalk or root? 2. Are roots now growing below at the basal leaves? 3. What should I be doing to best care for my orchid and keikis? In particular, should I be giving it more sun? restarting my orchid fertilizer? misting the keikis? I would appreciate any expert help!
Your Phal looks happy! -Keiki's growing root -Yes -I'm not an expert (had couple orchids rebloom, but never had keiki) so some useful links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiki http://www.clanorchids.com/culture/phalcult.htm http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/orchids/
The whitish thing on the bottom of the keiki is a root, as are the two things growing out of the base of your Mother Phal. Keep the keiki attached until you see a few more roots growing, or the current one gets quite long. Misting the whole plant, as well as the keiki is a good idea. The medium it is growing in may be a problem if it begins to break down too much, and becomes more like soil than an airy mixture. It will cause rotting of the roots that are below the surface. Consider repotting with fresh medium if you suspect this. The local orchid club should be able to sell you some mix that is superior to what you would buy in plant shops/nurseries. Ask specifically for a phal mix. As it is now officially summer, you can start up your fertilizer regime, but knock it back to 1/4 strength if you are going to do it everytime, and not when the medium is dry. My phal likes to spend the summers outside, but only in slightly dappled shade - what I mean is almost complete shade to avoid burning the leaves. It will dry out faster outside so check every other day for this. I have heard that the cooler nights of late summer/early autumn will initiate flower spikes, but am not sure if this is only in other genera, or phals as well. Wouldn't hurt to keep it outside and try, but keep an eye on the plant and the nighttime temps. Hope this helps...
Dear Chester, Thank you for your reply. I have been wondering lately whether I should repot my Phal. I will try contacting the local (Vancouver) orchid society to locate some appropriate mix. Misting and fertilizing will commence shortly! I'm not sure if I'm brave enough yet to let my Phal outside but maybe after it's happy being repotted... Thanks again!