My favourite from all my maples, Peve Multicolor, has leafed out 80% brown and dry as pictured. I *did* leave it out more in the sun, but my gut tells me more is going on as I think usually burnt leaves look a bit different? Any help greatly appreciated as I love this guy Could this be a simple case of leaves burning as they emerged and then never making it? Anything still can be done to save?
Hi @MapleSyrup , what has been your overnight temperatures? Any sudden frosts ? Looking at your tree, a sudden frost maybe the cause or cold winds on new delicate shoots. If you can place it in a sheltered position away from cold winds, then there is hope on the second flush. Don't over water it, or feed it. Let it rest and recover. Bit if a waiting game IMO.
Sorry to hear your favourite tree has issues. If it’s not frost damage as Acerholic suggests ..have you experienced prolonged wet weather over the past month? Is your potting mix free draining?
Thank you. No, it's been dry here in the northeast pretty much. Only real difference between this and my others is that it was leafing out a bit earlier so I brought to a more central location so I could appreciate it more but so happened that was also a sunnier location. I think this one is a bit more prone to getting burnt if IIRC.... hopefully that is the only issue, just figured Id check here if anyone could see anything more from the pics since im a newbie