My neighbour has a viburnum (snowball bush) and a bush in the maple family. Both are against a shared fence and are planted beside one another. Both have been damaged by the same desease or pest. I read about the Viburnum Leaf Beatle on this site, and I believe this maybe the culprid. But, to my understanding, this beatle only eats viburnum plants. Would it attack a maple? The viburnum is struggling but, the maple is dead. There are beatles on the bushes that look like the photos from the info site that was suggested. Both bushes had leaves in spring,but, they were soon devasted and only the skeleton of the leaf was left. The viburnum has grown new leaves, but, are again being eaten. I was trying to detangle my clematis from the infested bushes, the bugs dropped all over me (UGH!)So, I know that they are small brown beatles..... Could this be the Viburnum Leaf Beatle even though it also attacked a maple?
Is there any chance you can identify the second plant more accurately? If possible post some pictures of the damage and such for all to peruse and ponder.