Help! I have 2 oxalis in my garden and despite my weeding, they are winning the battle. One is a shamrock with a yellow flower and the other is wood sorrel with a pink flower. Does anyone know if they are nitrogen fixers? (That would make me feel better!) Also, can I discourage them by changing the ph of my garden? Thanks
The only way I ever got rid of them was to carefully lift the plant with bulbs attached and then carefull remove all the ones left behind. This was many years ago. I have a similar problem now with stuff called onion weed.[Don't know tech name] Looks like a white hyacinth but smells of onion. You may be able to use Round up on the Oxalis if you are ok with getting rid of plants that way. The more you disturb the soil the worse it gets. For example my big problem was in the vegetable garden with the white one that has big leaves. Liz
Josie--these rank right up there among the worst weeds to try to eradicate. I've got both in my garden, and don't have any easy answers. Definitely try to keep them from setting seeds...esp the shorter type which seems to seed at age of 2 weeks with their exploding pods! The tall yellow flowering type is comparatively easy to pull...the short stuff is very tenacious and always leaves roots behind that will propagate more...sigh! Despite looking clover-like, oxalis doesn't do the legume thing of helping with nitrogen. I'm sure they have their place in nature's plan, but just not in most of my garden...