I transplanted a Yuzu and a Jiro persimmon into my garden this spring. They’ve grown new leaves, but now many are turning yellow and then brown, there are small green and sometimes brown dots on some of the leaves. The edges also appear to have been eaten. Any thoughts as to what might be causing the problem and what I can do to remedy it? Thanks!
Try watering more. And increasing the width and depth of the mulched area. Problems with Planting Trees – The Garden Professors™
Likely a fungal infection. Perhaps more than one. Hard to tell if anything is actually eating the leaves or if it is just the desiccated leaf tissue breaking away and giving the appearance of insect damage. I think this time of year the best treatment is mainly cleaning up all the leaves as they fall and not leaving anything under the trees through the Fall and Winter. Rain can splash spores back up onto the plant in Spring and start the cycle again. Info in the link below. persimmon-leaf-spot.aspx
A fresh layer of clean mulch under the plants would help prevent fungal spores from splashing up. Wood chips are often recommended these days.
It could be a watering issue, but the mulched area is 3ft in diameter and very thick. The little dots on the leaves make me wonder about à microscopic pest. I also wonder about a mineral deficiency. Am interested whether others have seen this? Thanks for the link - I’ll get on leaf patrol and add new mulch.