This is my first year try to grow orange peppers. I thought I was doing good but before they get orange and are still green about the size of a hardball the bottoms start to turn brown and go soft. I have them Planted with my tomatoes south side against the house and water them the same. Is this a sign I'm watering them too much or something else?
Thanks sundrop, it dose sound like BER. I did add lime to the area knowing tomatoes need it and actually have been using a fertilizer with calcium in it also. I think it's coming back to the irregular watering...I wish I had irrigation!
Be careful not to over-lime your soil. BER is caused by the plant difficulty to supply enough calcium to the developing fruit, what not necessarily means that your soil is deficient in it. Over-fertilizing, soil inability to retain moisture or incorrect watering regime is much more likely to contribute to the problem.
Yes it does sound like blossom end rot. In addition to the advice given above regarding proper use of lime, I would also recommend to have your soil tested for calcium and PH levels.