Hi All! I started a bunch of pepper seeds in house a few months back, put them outside 3 weeks ago. For 2 weeks things looked good, but the last week I've lost nearly every leaf on my plants. But, none of my other plants (cabbages, tomatoes, zucchini, beans, etc.) have any problems (well, except slugs on the cabbages but I think I can fix that). Any clue what caused this? I decided to put some saran wrap over the containers and see if that stops it for now... Thanks in advance!
Cutworms have done that to mine. They seem to home in on the plants we've put the most effort into, and chew them down to stubs...
it looks like a clean cut, as if someone took a pair of scissors to them. I thought the birds might be doing, since they are now feasting on the grass seed I tossed on the lawn... I'll have to google cutworms, thanks.
I got into the garden this morning and thought someone had snuck in to maliciously snip off the flowers! Closer inspection revealed the stems were all chewed through. I've dug around the plants a bit to see if I can find the dastardly beasts - so far to no avail. How do people control these things? I don't use pesticides, but I guess if enough damage was being done, I'd be tempted.