I have several fruit trees in a small area...approximately 15 feet wide and 75 feet long..I have two orange trees (thorny) on both ends and a peach, asian pear, apple, and a persimmons in the middle...the ground is hard clay and the trees have all been planted about ten years ago and have produced rather well..the past couple of years i have seen the bottom of the pear and orange trees become dry almost like they are dying but above them all seems to be green...the pear tree has several limbs high up that are completly dead and i no longer seem to get that orange smell from my orange trees...I would appreciate any and all help...as you can see i'm quite the novice..i got by on good fortune and not any knowledge...thanks
There is not a whole lot we can do to help you without a better idea as to what is going on. I suggest you post a photo or two of your Pear and your Orange. More than likely your Pear has a disease to it but we will not know if it is Fire Blight damage or not until we can see a photo of it. You can also help by telling us what your watering practices are, such as do you use sprinklers or do you water by drip irrigation or by hose watering. You should not expect to get any real fragrance from the Orange unless it is in bloom. It could very well be that you are not deep watering your trees well which has led to your call for help. Jim