The leaves are turning brown on sedveral of our 900 trees. They are D Anjou and Bartlett. We have been told it isn't fire blight and I wonder if it can be caused from overwatering as we have a valve that doesn't close all the way so taht area that is affected gets water every day. Please help if you can identify the problem. These trees are around 35 years old and great producers. I would hate to lose them. Thank you
I had the same problem I think it could be mites.check fruit to see if you have like dry spots on them.I sprayed lime sulfur also sprayed oil took care of the problem about 90 % also did reg.spraying
I have the same problem on my barlett and bosch.I was told that it was mites also had a problem with scale. sprayed oil and lime sulfar still have the problem
This is not mite or scale looks as if you have a leaf fungus. I can see the "fungus fruiting bodies" in the first photo. If it was over watering, you would first see the leaves wilt and look pale as if they were not getting enough water......when the sun bakes on thes leaves, it scorches them, which may be the case in the second photo.......It is hard to diagnose your problem without actually seeing your tree up close in person....... You would need to get a qualified arbourist to take a look and give you an actuate diagnosis. Ian