I have 2 pear trees and suffer from TRELLIS RUST. Please advise which pesticide will be effective to spray. One chemical mentioned by ubcbotanical dagden.org is 48o SC at 8 to 16 fl Ooz/A 64 oz/A per year 12-hr entry. hasmukhmali@yahoo.com. Thanking you hlm
removal of alternate host species is a realistic approach to long term control. For 'chemical' control consider copper spray or other products registered for use on fruit trees for fungal control.
That chemical control mentioned above refers to the use of "Procure 480 SC": Procure® 480SC is a liquid imidazole fungicide for powdery mildew control that is approved for applications on apples, pears, grapes, strawberries
I havent checked my books but I would say it is safe to assume that is a commercial product. The active ingredient is, ok, I just spent 15 minutes trying to figure out the active ingredient... triflumizole. LD50 and MSDS here: http://pmep.cce.cornell.edu/profiles/fung-nemat/tcmtb-ziram/triflumizole/fung-prof-triflumizole.html From what I can find this product and its active ingredient are not registered for use in Canada. PMRA: http://pr-rp.pmra-arla.gc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=34,17551&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL