What is the best medium for Peace lily i am confused some say regular potting soil others say moisture control soil since they like water but do not like to sit in water to long what do i do?
The best medium for a peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is well draining soil. You can use reg soil with "Perlite" added for better drainage.
How do you take care of a Peace Lily? I got one from my mother in laws funeral and I do not want to let it die!!! Please help!!!!
I am not an expert but as i understand it they love water but do not like to sit in it so first off you need to amend regular potting soil with extra perlite , peat moss, and orchid mix this mixture retains enough water to keep them happy water until you see the water draining into the saucer after which i only water when i see the PL begin to wilt a little, bright light not direct sun and presto....i have 3, 2 at work and a big one at home the one at home is in a west window but off to the side that it gets no sunlight at all but the room is very bright on sunny days and it's just beautiful i will post a pic when i get home from work tonight........