Can anyone suggest why my peace plant has bloomed for three consecutive years, each year blooms get smaller and now this year i have had no blooms a all?
Exposure to bright, indirect light will encourage flowering. If the plant has been in the same location then, as plantlady62 suggested, perhaps fertilization or the lack thereof is the problem.
Peace plants need a lot of sunlight. Have you moved your plant to a new location this year? Just curious...
No, I havn't changed the location. I thought maybe that the soil was depleted so I moved it to a larger pot and added more fresh soil. I am getting new leaf growth at the rate of 1-3 new leafs a week. The plant looks healthy it just won't bloom. Although it never has received a lot of sun light........ I wish a had a window with a different exposure but it's in the best place I have. Thanks,
If you don't have a good window perhaps you could purchase an artificial lighting system for your peace lily! Also some plants have seasons where they are more dormant than others.....does your lily bloom at certain times of the year...maybe you just need to wait. Just a thought.
Another thought...plants in general use lots of carbs/energy to bloom...they also use lots of energy to grow leaves....perhaps your plant is not growing blooms because all it's energy is going into growing all those new little leaves. Maybe you need to cut down on the fertilizer....Just wondering....
If you just repotted into a bigger pot, it is sitting there, growing more roots and leaves, using all its energy for those purposes and has nothing left for growing flowers. Fertilize with a plant food with a higher middle #. That will give you blooms. Peace lilies do not want full sun, they will scorch in full sun. I have one in a northern window and it blooms almost constantly. I feed it with 10-15-10.
sometimes the obvious just slips right by. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks I'll try the new fertalizer and hope it helps. The blooms fasinate me, they start pure white and then turn green as they die, Completly opposite to what you think should happen.