I have had this peace lily for about 5 years now. It was a gift and came with a fish in the vase with it but that didn't last long. Now it's time for some dirt I think. It hasn't grown much at all and hasn't looked healthy for a while either. I want to know if it will be a shock to it if I put it in soil. I also want to know about the big knots of roots it has. Do I need to remove some of them or should I just leave them all be and put it in the dirt as is? I just want to keep it alive. Thanks for your help
All you have to do is place it in a pot and fill it up with soil. The plant shouldn't be shocked, but I would keep the soil quite moist for a while. Cut off all the dead leaves too, that will clean it up and encourage new growth.
I think I'll put it in a pot and keep it well hydrated like you said. I might put a few rocks in the bottom either under the pot or at the bottom so that it won't rot. Thank you :)
Even if you don't see new growth right away, don't be discouraged, the plant is probably just developing more roots before it starts anymore growth up top.