Hi, This site is full of really great and friendly information - I was hoping that somebody might be able to give me a bit of advice. Following a recent apartment move my peace lily was left outside for a couple of days and was not happy about it all (It was April and quite cold). I trimmed off all the dead leaves but now there is some kind of growth coming from the root. Please can you tell me if you can see on the picture if this looks normal - if not, any ideas on what I can do? Also....hope its not too cheeky to ask for more help. My Calla Lily seems to be outgrowing its pot - the stems are so long and are now falling. Do I repot and plant it deeper? Sorry for the total lack of knowledge. Thanks for reading. Mandi (from England, but in New York)
Putting the Spathiphyllum in a bigger pot probably wouldn't hurt. The Zantedeschia needs stronger light exposure. These grow in full sun outdoors.
Thank you for both of your super quick responses. I'm stuggling with the peace lily as I haven't encountered these kinds of growths at the root before. I'm sorry the picture isn't clearer - there are large green/white hard fibrous mounds from which the stems are protuding. Do you think it could be possibly rot? With the Zantedeschia it is best to pot it outside? It has been in full sun light since it arrived in my apartment - if it goes outside won't the winter it? Thank you again, Mandi
Maybe you trimmed the leaves too close to the base and took some of that off. Can you put another pic up of a close up of that part? Ed
Like Ed mentioned, the "growths" look like the bottom part of some of the stems you cut when the leaves burned from being outside perhaps? If so, you might want to cut them back even further so they are not so noticeable and more flush to the plant.