A friend received a peace lily after her mother died, and it has all but died as well. She gave me the remnants and asked me if I could try to save it for her. Attached is a picture of what’s left. Is there any hope for this peace lily? I fear it will take an 11th hour miracle to save it, can anyone suggest something?
Thank you for the suggestion, I tried that but it was not thriving so I moved it to water because I heard that they can grow in water? Is that true?
Yes, some people do that and it works apparently. However I remember reading somewhere that roots grown in water are different from those grown in soil which forces the plant to produce more suitable roots once transferred to soil.
For the long piece I would place the soil line just above the short rootlet and just below the leaflet for the stubby piece. Remove the short length of material at the end if it is dead.
Here is a document that may be of interest: Propagating Foliage & Flowering Plants Regarding what I mentioned earlier: And from: Plant Propagation (.pdf)