Hi All, I bought a pavement rose bush a while ago, and I really like it: fragrant, repeat blooms, and cheap. All great bonuses. But Im really quite new to roses. Are these likely to be grafted? And will they root readily from tip cuttings? Its not that I havent tried to find this info myself, there just doesnt seem to be a lot of information on Pavement Roses online. Now, it could be due to me not using the right keywords or else there just isnt a lot of material written on them. Michael
Michael Have you tried everyrose.com? it has a basic listing of the synnyms and some feed back from people that have grown the rose
I think these are all or mostly Rugosa Hybrids grown from cuttings, or were at one time. Pavement being a selling name for a series there could be some unrelated plants being included by now, I suppose. But probably still grown from cuttings. You can tell a grafted specimen by looking at it, young nursery-sized ones will have easily discerned appearance of one plant being stuck onto the roots of another, usually with the scion coming off the side of the stock with a stub next to it where the stock was cut back.
Wonderful! Thank you both. Yes, this is certainly a cutting then. The reviews of this rose are great. Ideally suited to this climate. I have it in a large container. Apparently the hips are significant. I’ll just wait and see. I do like the smell; that’s why I bought it. Thanks again, M.