Papaya Flowers

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Nath, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Nath

    Nath Active Member

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    Nottingham England
    My Papaya plants which I've grown from seeds taken from the middle of the fruit are now after around six months a foot or two tall, they have had a sort of flowere at the top of each stem that grows along the last couple of inches or so. These flowers are now scattering little black bits almost like tiny seeds all over the place. Does anyone know what these are, is this another form of the plants giving out seeds or what are they? If anyone knows please could you let me know>

    Many Thanks

  2. smivies

    smivies Active Member

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    Kingston, Ontario, Canada
    They are not seeds or another reproductive method. It could just be parts of the spent flowers dropping.

    What gender is your tree?
    Hawaiian Papayas
  3. Nath

    Nath Active Member

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    Nottingham England

    I have discovered something interesting about Papaya plants/trees that I didnt know. Those funny little flowers that they produce that drop lots of black grains everywhere actually produce seeds. I allowed all of the black tiny seeds a bit like mustard seeds to fall from the flower as they dried into a pot filled with fresh sterile peat and I now have lots of baby Papaya seedlings growing. I never new that there were two ways of propogating plants from the papaya, that not only do they have hundreds of seeds in the fruits but also produce hundreds of tiny seeds from the flowers too. it just took a long while to find out. As to the gender I'm not sure.


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