Right now my Pampas Grass looks like a curly lump of dried out, dead old grass leaves. I do see a bit of green underneath it all. Will it come back. Does it die in the winter? Should I cut the dead stuff away? Help please . . . .
Please note my climate zone is much warmer than yrs. If it where here it would get a good clean out. The stuff can often be tugged out. Another alternative is set fire to it to clean out Make sure if you go this way that it is well away from house shed etc. They burn very quicly and fiercly. Given that you are going into summer the cutting and tugging method will work. The fact that it has green means it is on the move again. They are considered a noxious weed here in Aust and NZ. From http://www.thegardenhelper.com/grasses.html Liz