This Palm was the first plant I have ever owned and it has been with my through a few moves. I recently replanted (Regular indoor potting mix), and most of it's leaves are browning. I know that Palm's hate to be moved and repotted. Any thoughts on how to revive my old friend? jp
The brown tips could be from just using plain old tap water (Chlorine & Fluoride) Or, if the soil stays too wet, too dry, wrong light, low humidity, too much fertilizer or a combination of any of them. Keep the pot small with an inch or two to spare between rootball and inside of the pot. Soil should be well draining. You can add Perlite if it's heavy. Keep the soil a little on the moist side, not wet or soggy. I water mine between once a week to every two weeks. Really drench it when you do your watering, but don't let it sit in the bottom saucer with water, get rid of that. Keep your palm in bright indirect light. Use a small "diluted" amount of fertilizer now and then. Use rain or bottled water if you think the brown tips are caused mainly by your water, or fill a gallon jug and let it sit sit without cap on for 24 hours which will evaporate the Chlorine, but not the Fluoride. You might always have "some" brown tips, but less if everything else checks out ok. You might want to ck for pest now and then as well. Spidermites love many kinds of plants, including palms!
I've brought the Palm back inside the house and I'm working to not over water. I think that was my problem, I was watering once every two days!!! Thanks for the tips.