Greetings; I am looking for anything and everything on palm tissue culture. I am presently a student working towards a career in the preservation and conservation of palms. My company is in the midst of establishing a tissue culture lab, and although we work with saintpaulia, I will be allowed to work on palm tissue culture on the side. If you have any leads or information, please feel free to email me. I am also a member of speps, which is a temperate climate palm society. For those of you who would like to look, feel free _________________ and I would like to encourage everyone to take a peek at the location of some of our members, for they range from Ireland, Canada and the northern reaches of the US. We are currently on the verge of starting a Tennessee Palm Society. Sincerely; Lorraine Carr Holtkamp Greenhouses/Optimara 1501 Lischey Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37207 615-573-4065
Hello Lorraine, The link in your post was dead. I am guessing you meant this: Please verify if this is the organization you meant.