Hello, my palm got very sticky, probably too much water. I'm wondering whether can still save it as cleaning the leaves doesn't help. Please see the pictures. What should I do? Thanks for your help!
You have some sort of scale insect, and probably something more. That stickiness is called honeydew, and it comes from several types of insects, including scale. Those little brown scabby looking things are actually the mature scale insects where they fix in place. If you tree is small enough, you could try scraping them off, maybe cutting off badly infested fronds. The honeydew can sometimes be washed off with soapy water, or a firm spray with a hose, but the insects are pretty tough to remove without an insecticide of some kind. I know that horticultural oil is used when they are still soft bodied.
You have an infestation of scale. The sticky substance is honeydew that is excreted by them. This can be treated with multiple applications of insecticidal soap, with 7-10 days in between each. Repeat until pest is gone.