I've been given the above plant from someone on Salt Spring Island, BC Canada, where this Palm grows very well outside. We live in Squamish BC Canada & we are wondering if it will grow outside in our area as well or should we containerise it & bring it into the house during the Winter. The climate on Salt Spring Island is much milder than it is here. Also is there a special soil mix we should use. Thanks very much
Not exactly sure what you have there since there's a mix in genus and species names. Trachycarpus excelsa (now known as fortunei) is quite hardy with some good history in our region. This one shouldn't be a problem in most planting sites although standing or lingering water in winter is not good, as is dry summer soil condtions. Chamaerops humilis is more tender to freezes and requires better siting, and good drainage. This one is a clustering palm and has nasty thorns along each side of it's petiole (leaf stock). So without a picture to possitively ID it, I can't be certain as to what you have. Cheers, LPN.
Thanks for your reply. Can't take a picture unfortunately as we only have a shoot of it. Thanks so much for your advice though. Cheers.
Can't take a picture unfortunately as we only have a shoot of it. Now I am curious, a shoot? Surely you're not refering to an offset or division as none of the possibilities mentioned are cultured this way. Perhaps you mean a seedling? Either way, they can be ID'd as seedlings too. Cheers, LPN.
Sorry I was doing this for a friend. She has now sent me 2 pictures which I have attached. Not sure how to attach pictures but I have tried adding it to additional options. Hope it works. Thanks so much for all your help.
Nicki ... plant these in the ground ASAP! Amend with a bit of organic compost and water well. These are in a distressed state and need some relief from the conditions they've been under. These are Trachycarpus fortunei (Windmill palm) but I'm not 100% sure of the climactic conditions in Squamish BC. I'd be willing to bet these should be fine if given the care they need. Cheers, LPN.