Hello, The basil on my terrace seems to be growing well, it tastes fine, but the color is very pale - yellowish-green. Could it be missing some nutrients? I have planted it in good soil but did not fertilize. Any input would be most appreciated. Thank you. Saleve
Maybe your basil is getting too much sun and is 'bleached'. I find that my basil does best in morning and afternoon sun with a break from a full blast of mid-day sun.
I vote for nutrient deficient, highly organic soils aren't necessarily "good". These can be seriously lacking in minerals. Notice that the growing tips are slightly greener, deficient plants concentrate what nutrients they near the ends of the shoots. I also observe stippling in this picture, suggesting a mite infestation or other sucking pest presence.
Thanks for your input Ron. I'll give fertilizer a try. I've checked for infestation (rubbed down several leaves front and back with a white tissue) and, fortunately, saw nothing. Saleve