I am attaching photos of a plant which has been called a pachypodium. I am interested in finding out whether it can more specifically identified.
Try www.pachypodium.org/ You may have to wait for the flowers to positively ID it. Some varieties are spectacular. Ralph
I received the larger plant several years ago as a single or double bulblet. It has never bloomed, just adds new bulbs. Hope I don't have to wait much longer.
I queried Pachypodium.net re the plant I've been trying to identify and then e-mailed the address referred to in that site. The return message told me that the plant is not a Pachypodium so I'm back to where I started, asking for help in identifying the plant. The smaller plant is a bulblet from the larger. I've had the larger plant for several years and it has not bloomed.
There's a good chance what you have is a pineapple euphorbia (Euphorbia bupleurifolii) I think there are a couple of forms. s.s
What a cool plant, I hope that you find out its genus and perhaps growth requirements, in order to enjoy potential blooms! Good Luck!