pachira developing dark spot ??

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Xyoljah, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Xyoljah

    Xyoljah Member

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    Hello, i don't know what to do anymore about my pachira... i got it for my birthday in may, then it was losing a lot of leaves but poeple told me that it was probably a shock reaction.... i give it water just when it's dry to touch.... i mist it once a week ... there is a patio door 6 feet from it... so i don't know what's wrong with it.... maybe a dead trunk ? it had a dead trunk when i got it and didn't have the time to remove it so is that the problem ?

    Thank you very much to averyone !
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    can you post some pics?
  3. Xyoljah

    Xyoljah Member

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    yes of course there you go..... but today i replanted it in a bigger pot, and i bought tropical plant mix, it has sand in it and some fertilizer so i hope it's gonna help :s

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  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    it generally looks pretty good!! i see new growth, too.

    the brown tips on the leaves could be from either underwatering or, if you use tap water right from the tap (without letting it sit overnight).

    if you have municipal water, then it has chlorine added and it's best to let the water sit overnight so that the chlorine can dissipate.

    if you have well water, there could be an excess of minerals or some type of contamination that's causing the browned tips.

    if you're fertilizing, you could be doing so too frequently or with too strong a solution.

    repotting was the best thing to do - and a cactus type mix is correct for this type of plant.

    they can be a bit finicky and all plants will 'pout' a bit after a repotting (as well as when you first bring them home), so expect that you might lose a couple leaves. once it gets resituated, it'll be fine.

    i'm assuming you watered it after repotting? if so, let it dry pretty well before watering again...the roots have been disturbed and will need some time to recuperate. if you didn't water it after putting it in the new soil, let it sit for a week and then water.

    always water thoroughly. by that i mean that you should make sure that all the soil is moistened - you should just see some excess coming out of the drainage holes. and let the soil dry down a couple inches before watering again.

    i really don't think you have anything to worry about!! it looks pretty healthy - even with those browned tips.

    they could be just the usual growth/death thing - and not anything to do with watering schedules or water conditions...basically just the normal thing of the older leaves dieing off after time.
  5. Xyoljah

    Xyoljah Member

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    Wow thank you for this detailed anwser ! I'm glad it's normal... i was afraid because it lost a lot of leaves, there is no more at the bottom...

    i watered it after replanting so i'll wait a while before doing it again.... i used soil for tropical plant not for cactus..., i also removed the dead trunk so it wont contaminate the tree, and i don't really give it fertilizer, but it has some in the soil i bought.

    And oh you're so right about the water ! i give it tap water without letting it sit down for the night so thank you so much for the advice , i'll let it sit :)

    thank you so much Jocelyn for taking the time to analize my situation ! i really apreciate ! your a good samaritan ! :)
  6. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    i'm very glad to help!!

    and it looks like the answer to the issue of the browned tips is the water right from the tap.

    the other thing with using it right from the tap is that it can be too cold...which can shock the roots. another plus to letting the water sit overnight is that it'll be at room shocking the roots then!

    i always keep a few gallon jugs of water ready to use.
  7. Xyoljah

    Xyoljah Member

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    well well... very interesting

    i keep myselg a jug of water too now so i'll see how it goes

    thanks again !!!!!!!

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