Identification: oxalis pest eating leaves

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Tony Puddicombe, May 3, 2015.

  1. Tony Puddicombe

    Tony Puddicombe Active Member VCBF Cherry Scout

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    There is some pest eating the leaves of my indoor red oxalis. I assume it is a larva or adult. I have already removed all the soil in the pot,washed the corms and re-potted them. New growth is still getting eaten and i have not seen any perpetrators on the leaves. I suppose I could do a night time search with a headlamp but I always forget once bedtime comes around. Besides I am now retired and not prone to partying after midnight!
    Any one have a similar experience and know what it is causing the damage?

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  2. shastadaisyy2

    shastadaisyy2 New Member

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    Atlanta, USA
    Tony Puddicombe, neither, I'm in bed by 9 pm! You would think it would be gone once you repotted....strange....try mixing some neem oil (maybe a tablespoon or two) in a gallon of water and water the soil with that. if that doesn't work, maybe set out some of those sticky bug traps....maybe it's something outside the soil thats nibbling after hours.

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