I have a double otto fuschia that bloomed beautifully in 2008. I put it in the garage just before the big deep freeze and snowfall(s) in Vancouver (BC). It has survived very well. I just read, however, I was supposed to cut it back and take off all its leaves back then in November/December. Now that it is February 2009, and it is actually starting to bloom again. I haven't yet taken it out of the garage due to the numerous frost/snow fall warning we have had. Should I: a) cut it back vigorously in preparation for another good growing season? b) take off all its leaves, especially the ones that are starting to yellow? Or am I too late for pruning it this way? c) where, exactly, should I cut on its branches? Thanks... I look forward to the advice that'll make my fuschia beautiful again this year. joZ
I would repot and also cut back now...and did you fertilize your plant heavily just before bringing it into the garage? First repot, then cut back to the desired effect...ie what shape are you aiming for here, but as a rule, cut out any damaged wood, and remove most of last summers growth...cut to live wood...
Thank you for your suggestions. No, I didn't fertilize either. Oops. I guess I must get working on that as well. Can you suggest what I use for fertilizer? I also put my bay leaf trees and my kalmia in the garage... so... I guess I have a lot of work to do to make sure they are all ok...
I wish I dug up my Bay as it looks sad and badly winter burned.... for the type of fertilizer for your Fuschia, I would use more bloom than growth but a balanced 20-20-20 is a good start and later by May a bloom specific fert., but any flowering type of fert. should aid your plants growth.