Hello Everyone, I have six roses of sharon that I started from seed this spring currently living outdoors in individual pots. Now, I know summer just started but I would really love to see these little guys survive the winter. So, I thought I would ask a few questions and get your answers and suggestions now before summer fades away and the scramble to save everyone begins. Please, keep in mind that I live in southern Ontario so I should probably plan for the worst. Questions: 1) Should I leave them outside? in the garage? bring them indoors? 2) If left outside, should I bury the pots? 3) If left outside, should I cover them? Thanks for any help. Sidenote - I purchased and planted the parent plant in August 2013. This past winter, the parent plant survived crazy levels of snow, an ice storm and a severe pruning by bunny. It has since doubled in size and will probably still bloom this year. What a champ! I'm hoping the seedlings are just as strong as this plant is.