When do I take tropical indoors out side? Early March, late March? --Also, is there anyway to revive cold damage plants but any chance? and What are you guy's watering schedules for indoor plants when they are indoors for the winter? Thanks so much!
When all risk of frost is over. When that is varies a lot with location. Where I am, the end of May; where you are, probably somewhat earlier, maybe early May. Also depends somewhat on what the 'tropicals' are.
As long as the roots weren't damaged by the frost/cold, you have a good chance of seeing new life again. You can't water plants on any kind of schedule. It depends on the plant, if it wants constant moist soil, or soil that needs to dry out. Once a week is usually how it goes, less water for succulents and much less for cactus, if any water at all until spring.