Ah, finally found what I was looking for, a thread we started for you! Ask Douglas Justice: Do Japanese cherries produce fruits? It includes Nadia's posting of photos of several different trees with fruits. Mariko has posted several, or at least mentioned them, in the Cherries in Japan thread. I often see a lot of cherries on 'Snow Goose'.
Summarize those above comments as follow: In Vancouver & Seattle areas: Cherry trees with more fruits: Snofozam, snow Goose, Ito-zakura (pendula) Cherry trees with few fruits: 1. Wild: Yama-zakura, Oyama-zakura(Sargent), Korean Hill cherry(Ke-yama-zakura), Birch bark cherry(serrula) 2. Variety (wild variety): Ito-zakura, Somei-yoshino 3. Cultivars (cultivated variety):Accolade, Pandora, Akebono, Rancho, Snofozam, Snow Goose, Umineko, Shirotae, Hosokawa-nioi, Shujaku Whether they produce fruits depends on different climates: NW America similar to West Europe, and WA DC similar to Japan These fruits may be abortive in late season.
In Japan or in Tokyo, most of single cherries can have fruits if they are planted with other cultivator cherris. In Koishikawa Botanical Garden most of Somei - yoshinos have a lot of fruits. Now it's time for fruits here. I'd like to visit Shinjuku Gyoen Park and check Akebono there can have as many fruits as Somei - yoshinos or not. But I haven't.
I went to Koishikawa Botanical Garden and Shinjuku-gyoen to check fruits of the cherries. I saw a lot of inedible fruits. I posted a part of them at the thread of "Cherries in Japan". But Akebono had only a few fruits in Shinjuku-gyoen. One tree close to Yoko which had a lots of fruits and not very far from Somei-yoshino didn't had any fruits. I'll post about them later.
I forgot to write, but only location I saw a lot of fruits except Avium in Vancouver was in Killaney Park where one Yama-zakura and two Somei-yoshino stands together. I can't find the pictures of them. I went there to check Yama-zakura had fruits in 2008 or 2009. But I found two trees had more fruits than another tree. I was confused which tree were which. I think cherries on Marine Crescent might have many fruits.