I'd thought 'Whitcomb' cherries were only open in the West End; nobody told me they were already open at UBCBG, so I don't know how long they've been open. I could use a Cherry Scout out there, or even a cherry scout.
Well, so that was 2020. I suppose the rest all bloomed - we weren't allowed out there to see them. But the leaves are doing their thing. Here they are on November 6. Prunus 'Umineko' are closest to the parking lot. P. 'Gyoiko' with the 'Kizakura' label. So densely budded. P. 'Surugadai-nioi' P. 'Whitcomb' Over near the parking lot entrance is P. 'Ichiyo', with P. 'Mikuruma-gaeshi' to the right, inside the fence. The long line of trees outside the fence are P. 'Tai-haku'.