I have just acquired an acer palmatum oridono nishiki and have read and read advice on siting and remain confused. I would like to plant it in a location that is sunny from late morning all day. If I do so I gather there is a risk of scorched leaves. Morning sun and afternoon shade may be the best siting for the tree. However I want it relatively close to the deck and house and that area does get the sun. How critical is the issue of scorched leaves to the tree's survival? Also at this time of year is the tree better in the ground or in a large pot until a different season? Thanks.
In Surrey I wouldn't worry too much about 'full sun' I am of the opinion that all Japanese maples benefit from being in the ground. However, there are many that can do very nicely in pots. It depends on what you want at the end of the day. In pots they can always be moved if our 'full sun' becomes hotter than normal .....
Well now .... I have to say I assumed Surrey UK as I have never heard of any other 'Surreys' 'not sure how that matters' is a comment from someone who has never been to the UK and experienced our summers Having said that, I have to confess that our climate is changing dramitically and I could well change my mind over the next few years ......
hi Dorothy I have Oridono nishiki in shade in postions nord/ovest(i live in central Italy zone 9)received a little sun in afteroon for 1 hours ;in this position have good health...
Gets morning to 7 pm sun here now and seems fine. Fairly strong grower compared to other variegated forms.
I have plant this Oridono Nishiki in my backyard. It has full sun from 8:30 a.m to 6:30 p.m. Yes, it has a lot of scorch leaves but it is still doing o.k so far. Very strong growth!