I have a small herb garden tucked under my kitchen window. It is a north facing spot which receives a lot of shade and about 3-4 hours of sun at the end of the day. Surprisingly, My herbs - basil, sage, oregano, cilantro, mint, and rosemary grow really well. I do have some bug problems, mostly aphids and my basil was eaten up last year. Can you tell me what plants, bugs, or natural sprays I can introduce to maintain a healthy crop? I have a praying mantis, about 3 years old that returns every year. I introduced lady bugs last year and a few stayed. Thanks!
Soapy water will kill the aphids. You have to use a potassium based soap rather than a modern liquid detergent. I think 1 tsp/quart will do it. Spray onto the plant & after 10 minutes or so, rinse with fresh water. Simon
Thanks for the tip. I was using soapy water, but it wasn't working. It must have been the potassium free detergent. Victoria