I have an Orchid, does can anyone tell me what action I need to take to ensure it flowers again. Orchid is pictured here = http://photobucket.com/Orchid_2009 I thinks its a Phalaenopsis Thank you very much for the advise John Kibble
You have a Phalaenopsis. I can't really help you with this genus, but try this link http://http://www.aos.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home&Template=/Templates/TemplateHomepage/AOS_1501_20071128T171922_LayoutHomePage.cfm There is lots of information there, and if it doesn't address your question, just send them an e-mail. Btw, nice healthy plant! Have you had it long?
I grow this type of orchid as well, and it blooms from year to year, but I really don't do anything special... I have it in a 10" wide, and 5" deep pot, in orchid potting chips. I keep it in bright light, but not much direct sun - maybe a bit of strappled sun for a couple hours on just the leaves. The leaves love to be misted, so I do it often, even when not blooming. I keep the wood chips that the roots are in moist, and even give orchid fertilizer a couple of months before it blooms in early January (Wintertime here). That's it, and mine has bloomed for three years straight - not to mention how much bigger it is! : O
Thanks for the advise, so no need to prune at all? I will follow your guidance and hopefully enjoy some blooms over the winter :-)
Prune what? The leaves?!!! : O Goodness, NO! Leave the leaves alone. I have never pruned mine. Here's some pictures of my orchid blooms... : )
I thought to prune the stem on which the flowwers appear, is there a new stem or do the new flowers come from the old one (I feel stupid asking these questions, but this is the level I'm at when it comes to flowers of this nature:-)
You shouldn't feel stupid - I asked the same questions when I didn't know either. There's no stupid questions, only stupid answers. : O Oh yes, you can prune the old flower stem - I thought you were talking about the leaves. New flowers will produce on new stems, not the old ones. : )