I was given a beautiful orchid last year, and for the first time in my life, it flowered for me this summer again. It was even healthier than when I got it. It also grew couple of new leaves and is happily growing a lot of green roots right now. I would like to transplant it. I suspect the medium it is presently growing in contains more or lesser amount of sphagnum moss, since it was contended being watered just couple of times a month. I am glad not to have to water often. I can't find any such moss in our local gardening center. I am wondering, if I can use the moss that is plentiful in our local forest, amongst ferns? I even have some on top of my planter outside. If so, should I wash it, dry it, should I sterilize it, or can I use it as is, mixing it with fir bark chips? Thank you, I hope someone out-there will advise, so my orchid will produce those spectacular flowers again next year. Vlastovka
I've used local moss with orchids, and it seems to work fine without any special treatment. However, I would be careful about the amount of moss in the mix because it stays wet much longer than the usual bark chips; so there is a danger of overwatering.
vlastovka, hello I have a beautiful and healthy Phalaenopsis Orchid. I have had it, going on three years now. I have to admit that I have went the easy route to achieve my success. I have simply repotted my Orchid with the store bought Orchid mix, in the bag and have had great results. I also use a 10-10-10 Orchid fertilizer, at quarter strength, 3 to 4 times a growing season(8 month period). This past late summer, I actually had, for the first time, two stalks that sprouted big beautiful flowers. I am very much a beginner, but have had very nice results. I even took my plant to a local florist to get advice in possibly repotting it. They laughed and said my plant looks better than any of theirs. They said to keep doing what I am doing and only repot once every two years. Good luck Jigger
I'd be very leery of using moss, etc. from the local (or other) woods as orchids are very sensitive to impurities from outside (not 'outside' as in outdoors, but as in anywhere but a sterile environment). Vitog may have been lucky with his/hers, but I'd much rather use the bagged mix... and you can order sphagnum moss online, though because of a recent virus (or something similar) out there, you may have trouble finding it. You'll want the kind from N. Zealand or Chile.