Some one told me that chamomile can be used for fungus for like root rot and such as a natural fungicide, can it also be used for pests? And if not, what can?? I would really like to know before it goes to any of my other orchids or plants! Please help!!
I will do my best to get a picture:) the pest is a bug though I think, it looked like a really, really tiny bag worm! I was going to save it but it blew off my hand while i was walking. Will Chamomile still work with bugs?
ahhh, I just saw that that said cinnamon and not chamomile,ooops! will it still serve the same purpose?
Not to my knowledge...don't know of any insecti- or fungicidal qualities possessed by this plant. (Anyone have info on this?) The chamomile would have greater beneficial effect on you! In tea form it is used as a cramp and indigestion reliever; I think that it can also be used externally to ease skin irritations.
Interesting! I did not know that, good to know:) I hope someone finds a cure to this while i get a picture up!