I purchased several epiphyllum cuttings which were allowed to dry several days before being suitable for rooting. I then placed them in earth in anticipation of new growth. One has sent forth a green shoot, however, another cutting seems to have white hair roots coming out of the top. I don't want to rip the plant out of the ground to see if roots have formed underground as I wouldn't want to break them. Is it possible I planted the cutting upside down or do roots form on both ends?
Same thing happend to me... I imagine they grow roots on both ends cuz all of my cuttings have put out new growth.
Hi Darrow. Yes it is possible that you may have planted the cutting upside down and the basal end is pointing up. But it is typical of these cacti to form roots along the stem because of them being epiphytic. Epiphytic meaning they grow off the ground in the canopy of other trees. They will use these roots to attach themselves more firmly or to gain higher ground.