Orbituary 4 my Pumpkins & Butternuts. What 2 replace them with this August?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by vicarious1, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. vicarious1

    vicarious1 Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby North on a slope facing south & a view :-)
    Following the advice of a few very helpful people in this Forum I have decided to rip out all my Butternut and Pumpkin pants. And redo it all with a sunken soaker pipe that runs in "S" shape and centered under the white footpaths. I was told they like hot sunny & humid. All that my Vancouver garden plot is not.
    I was taken by a friend to most communal gardens like Stratcona (hope I spell that right) and saw that as my plants had NO SMALL FRUIT NOW what so ever, there really was no chance to get any. As there, Zucchini, Brussels Sprouts etc were huge already.
    I get about 4hrs of full front south facing sun here in Burnaby on my new second plot nested between two houses. (West is against the wall to explain my pictures).
    For those who know the climate here (this is my 1st garden here, coming from South Africa) I wonder what can I still plant from seeds NOW in next 2-3 days for it to grow hopefully into something edible.
    We love Kale Spinach Brocoli what else would anyone suggest I am all ears. I .
    We already have a lot of 50-60cm tall lettuce for many weeks we eat every day yummy. Romaine and Butter so I rather not plant Lettuce again unless someone tells me they still have a chance. I would like things that grow through the automn maybe late autumn. Anything that passes the Vanc. winter.
    I have green houses 9x3 feet three of them and I plan on getting a 6 x 9 feet on sale to start earlier growing nex t year.
    I have 36 "Cherry tomato" plants. One dozen now some over 1.5m tall now with MANY to ripen soon. I wonder how can we eat all at the same time or I must make "Salsa"
    I just planted 2 Artichoke in front of the house any opinion soil is poor but full sun as it is terraced and was covered in gravel with plastic . I dug a hole filled with earth and mushroom manure and hope they will grow I am told they can withstand winter also ??
    I also send pic of my 2 raspberries. Any chance they will make some or survive. So small since May! If anyone tells me no, I rather use there to make more cilantro etc. And my cucumbers still have NO small fruit only flowers now in August what chance do I have ? I rather plant something more easy going.
    So many questions they all come to mind when I am in this forum writing.

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  2. JanR

    JanR Active Member

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    Lakeland, Manitoba
    Most vegetables need a least 6 hours of sun a day. There are some vegetables that will tolerate light shade, like lettuce. If your cucumbers are flowering you will probably get fruit. They usually grow pretty fast once they have flowered.

    I would think that you could still plant lettuce, spinach. Peas and bean may produce as well as long as you have nice fall weather.

    Good luck!

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