The following was received via email: PLEASE can anyone help me identify this plant so that I know how to look after it ? Thank you, Maggie
HI Maggie .. well i came across this plant when i was looking in a data base for another plant .. boy i sure did recognize it wierd looking plant but so unique and kool looking .. it is called a Sinningia leucotricha .. ill attach a page for u to look at for care on it . i have never seen this plant b 4 .. nice plant good luck with it Marn
Dear Marn - Thank you so much for your reply - I was just about getting desperate and this certainly looks like my plant. I have been everywhere, including Kew Gardens and the Royal Horticultural Society - which, you will appreciate, for us Brits is like the bibles of plants. I am so grateful to you and am just about to go on the web to find out all about my special plant. Thanks again - Maggie.
oh u r welcome .. im glad i was able to get a name for it ..i just happen to b looking up another plant for someone else and came across it .. it is a ery unique looking plant nad pretty .. and it is a type of succulant also good luck with it Marn