Orange sponge like

Discussion in 'Soils, Fertilizers and Composting' started by beckyb, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. beckyb

    beckyb Member

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    United States
    Hello All...

    I have over the past few weeks discovered this unusual what looks like mold or a
    sponge in my flower bed. We have had a very rainy few weeks, which is out of the ordinary for the area in which I reside. Above the surface it looks like an orange sponge (long worm like) coming straight up from in the ground with a brown tip. After digging them up today, I have discovered below the surface it is a white ball and most of the ground has this white stuff all through it. I have also discovered lots of these white balls, that have not yet sprouted this orange sponge like things above the ground.
    Has anyone had a problem with these and if so how do I treat it? Thanks for any input.
  2. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Sounds like a slime mold - maybe Fulgio septica (dog vomit mold). It's not dangerous to your flowers or pets, and it's doing a load of good by decomposing your mulch.

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