This is the first time I see this one. Never before orange lichen in our yard... It’s growing on acidic granite rocks that were cleared of any soil a couple of years ago. Very sunny southern exposure. The largest orange patches are about a centimeter across, smaller ones appear cream-colored. Any suggestions about possible ID will be greatly appreciated.
Hi D, it does not look likely based on photos I could find online. I was trying to figure it out, and the most promising lead that I could find is a symbiosis between Trentepohlia (alga) and Gyalecta (fungus) that often can live without each other. So I guess technically it may not have a specific name... I even don't know if it is considered a lichen.
It's an interesting one N, I was looking at this link that had similar but not identical, but as you are so much closer than any photo, you might be able to ID it from here. Lichen Crust on Desert Rocks - DesertUSA The trouble is there are so many orange lichens that it may prove unidentifiable.