Is there any nursery in Vancouver mainland that sales Orange Jasmine plant? Does anyone has this plant and can give me a cutting please? Thanks!
I got rid of mine after years of having to sweep discarded flower parts off the floor. Murraya paniculata is sometimes used in bonsai so you may want to check with stores that specialize in such. If you're open to mail order, check with Flora Exotica: OneDollarSeedStore - Exotic Flower - Jasmine.
I ordered online for the Murraya Exotica seeds (dwarf orange Jasmine). The invoice (attached) says, it is Murraya Koenigii (Curry leaf). The vendor already apologized and promised to resend right seeds. But I think, they are neither Murraya Exotica, nor Murraya Koenigii seeds. I wonder anyone knows what these seeds really are?
Mystery seed! Plant them while they're still fresh and see what comes out. By the way, Murraya koenigii is available locally, if you're interested. Also M. exotica is a synonym of M. paniculata.
Thanks JungleKeeper!! — yes, thanks! I am curious and already started the seedling process! But I somehow feel like I saw these types of seeds earlier. I’m posting another photo of only the seed. One end is needle sharp and has a distinctive look. — I am not much interested on Curry leaf plant; since i live in a condo, and only a pot gardener. — I thought M Paniculata and M Paniculata Exotica are little different species of Murraya family. Exotica is bushy and smaller than the other species. “Native mock orange (Murraya paniculata) is very similar to the cultivated exotic form of mock orange (i.e. Murraya paniculata 'Exotica'). These plants can usually be distinguished by the following differences: mock orange (Murraya paniculata 'Exotica') has relatively large leaflets (3-7 cm long). native mock orange (Murraya paniculata) has relatively small leaflets (1.5-4 cm long).”
I remember researching the possibility of there being a dwarf cultivar but found no definitive evidence. However that was many years ago. I did find comments regarding a 'Lakeview' cultivar that supposedly had slightly larger leaves. Perhaps there has been a change since that time.
Found the identity of the mystery seed!! These must be from Antigonon leptopus (Coral Vine). Thanks anyway!!