I have been messing with the settings on my Digital SLR and decided to take some pics today. Enjoy. Here they are.
Taking these with a macro lens? Looks like the setting you're messing with is aperture (depth of field)?
btw. The seedpod picture is an unknown variety but we believe it to be a stray seed from a Tasmanian Giganthemum variety although the pods only reached about 2" max, the flower color and pod shape is very characteristic of that strain. It grew out of some seeds purchased that were supposed to be Hens & Chicks Poppies. The flower pictures are Hens & Chicks variety. Here are what the seedpods look like when matured. Very unique. This picture isn't very artsy but I figured it would be informative for people who are not familiar with this variety. When dried they make very beautiful arrangements in a vase as you would with flowers. And some more of the flowers. Enjoy!
Absolutely gorgeous flowers. I just sprouted some hens and chicks. I was inspired by the exact same photos on another forum. What are the odds? Great job, I can only hope and prey to have the same results.