British Columbia: Onions in April

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by stuffradio, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. stuffradio

    stuffradio Member

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    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Are we really able to sow Onion seeds in April and have them germinate? I had some Onion seedlings started last year in January or February, planted them in March and had something eat them up.

    There were Mallard ducks walking around almost every morning last March, but apparently they don't eat seedlings. I'm going to cover whatever in bird netting this year.
  2. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    Onion seeds will easily germinate when planted in April. The only potential problem is that the bulbs won't have much time to grow to a decent size if they are planted fairly late in April. I will plant my onions in March under a cloche. February would normally be better; but, since it's been pretty cold since early February, it probably won't make much difference this year. I've beem wanting to try planting Walla Wallas in the fall because that is supposed to work in this climate, but I haven't managed to try it yet. I see that the UBCBG food garden has some Walla Wallas that were planted last fall; so it will be interesting to see how they do.

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