Well I am in a predicament, I have got to move by April 1 st and I have 20 or so potted maples and five planted maples just installed fall of 2005. I am in a Zone 7a presently and the new location is 6a. My questions is, when should I dig the planted trees, should I put then in really big pots or bale and burlap. We have had only one good frost and some of the leaves on the green Acer Palmatum are still green. Any advise you have would be greatly appreciated. I also have 35 or 40 one year old seedlings, that are doing well. I will be looking for an eastern exposure for their new home with a north western wind block for sure. I an looking in this area, 37 degrees North and 80 degrees West.
Dig and pot anytime when leafless and ground is not frozen. Plunge potted stock into sand or sawdust to protect roots from severe frosts.