i have 2 small oleander plants inside the house for a year now. both had flowers and buds when i bought them. one flowered again though very few. the other did not flower again. then i noticed the young leaves are curling and the color of the leaves are not normal. i read from a book that maybe i watered them too little. other symptoms point to watering them too much, or either too much or too little light. i am confused. i put them out last week. for those who knows about oleander, please help.
i couldnt find any mites. but some months ago i saw web in the plant. could it be that the mites are not visible thru the naked eye?
Hello Josephine, As suggested, it looks like spider mites. Spider mites are extremely small, although they are visible to the naked eye. Look closely. If you did see webbing you have a heavy infestation. Use a bottle of water and lightly mist your plant. This will make any webbing more visible. Raakel
do these spider mites migrate and infect other plants? is there a chance for this plant to recover? or is it better to get rid of it immediately to protect my other plants?
Josephine, Spider mites will travel to susceptible plants. Have a look to check for infestations on other plants. It may be that the spider mites have already travelled to your other plants if you have had them indoors for the year. One way to control them is by placing them in the shower or spray them with a jet of water with the hose. From my experience I misted an indoor palm everyday to control a fairly heavy infestation and my plant recovered. Raakel
I would also question whether it belongs inside at all, and may have been weakened by doing so, making it susceptible to other problems. It needs cold dormancy to do well, and not having ever (apparently) had any, it can't fight off trouble, though spider mites usually show up as a result of not enough humidity.